
Jen Braun Jen Braun

The Evolving Astrologer: Pluto in Aquarius

Honored that the latest issue of The Evolving Astrologer – the quarterly magazine of the Organization for Professional Astrology – includes my article, Pluto in Aquarius: Radical Change.

The tale reflects my long-ago journey of coming out without a map, a tender request for forgiveness echoing from the past, and full-hearted acts of love that bring about radical change.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Aquarius Full Moon & More: Radical Change

Last week, a text arrived from an old friend. “Thank you for your forgiveness,” it began.

Radical change doesn’t always happen in a flash. It can arrive as a whisper, dropping hints over the years of something new to come.

When I was in college, I studied in Spain for a year. Arriving back on campus, I needed a place to live. Luckily, one of my besties from high school offered me space in her apartment, along with three of her friends.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Scorpio Full Moon: Life Lessons on Letting Go

I never saw it coming: The moment that changed everything.

When I woke up on that crisp Minnesota morning in the fall of 2014, it was a day like any other: ordinary, unremarkable. I grabbed my coffee, took a shower, brushed my teeth. I barely noticed my feet beneath me – or the vibrant leaves from our ancient maple tree in a continual free fall, offering an unspoken message on how to let go.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Pluto in Aquarius: False Hope or False Hopelessness?

The space between false hope and false hopelessness is a chasm.

When I worked to find adoptive and permanent families for teens in foster care, I’d often hear from other child welfare workers, “You’re giving the kids false hope.”

It was always said as a bad thing, as if carefully involving teens in their own permanency planning was unhelpful, unreasonable, or in some way detrimental to their mental health.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Scorpio New Moon: Metamorphosis

Transformation is rarely easy.

I once spent a few summers helping to shepherd monarch caterpillars into butterflies for release, an undertaking that’s both astonishing and beautiful: The insatiable caterpillar munches loudly on milkweed leaves, readying itself for metamorphosis. After a couple of hungry weeks – shedding its skin as it grows exponentially – the arthropod finds a quiet spot, hangs upside down, and essentially digests itself, becoming soupy goo.

It’s probably safe to say that many people find this a relatable feeling these days…

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Gemini New Moon: Embracing Curiosity

Sometimes, there comes a moment when you realize the earth has shifted on its axis, and your life will never be the same.

Memories flood in…

Me, age 6, one big shoe in each hand, carrying the kicks to my dad as we played Shoe Store, a fantastical game of make-believe.

“Would you like to buy some shoes?” I’d ask my dad, imitating a salesperson.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Saturn in Pisces: Make the Dream Real

It began with a dream.

“What if we started our own nonprofit?” I asked my colleague and friend Michelle. I was sitting on my desk, legs dangling, chowing down on a turkey sandwich.

We had about two years left on a five-year federal project; the goal was to find adoptive and permanent families for Minnesota teens under state guardianship. It was time to start thinking about what came next.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Pisces New Moon: Dressed in Faith

Sometimes other people have faith in you, before you have faith in yourself.

The description for the class recommended wearing loose-fitting clothing.

But when I arrived, I saw that most of the students sported white jackets tied at the waist and wide drawstring pants – the traditional karate uniform, or gi.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Mercury Retrograde in 2023: The Story of Your Life

“Sometimes, stepping back can help us move forward. That’s why I want to create a life book with you,” I said to 15-year-old Jamie.

Jamie sighed. She’d been in the foster care system for six years, didn’t have a life book yet, and didn’t really want one. In fact, she didn’t really want an adoptive family, either, if we’re being honest – so I had my work cut out for me.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Sagittarius New Moon: Adventure Beckons

“Everything okay?” the man behind the bar asks.

I’m standing just inside the doorway, and it crosses my mind that this guy must not see a lot of people that look like me enter his establishment. Maybe he thinks I’m having car trouble?

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Mars Retrograde in Gemini: Slow Down

When you feel anger arise, ask yourself: What feels unfair?

This helpful exercise can give insight into your relationship with anger and frustration, and it may come in handy over the next few months.

Mars, the cosmic gas pedal, has turned retrograde (Rx) in Gemini, the sign associated with thinking, communicating, and information. Mars will be Rx until January 12, 2023!

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Libra New Moon: Maybe, Maybe Not

There’s an ancient Taoist parable about a farmer*, which goes something like this:

Once upon a time, a farmer – who earned his livelihood with the help of his horse – found that the horse had gone missing.

The neighbors felt sorry for him, and offered condolences, “Oh no! Your horse ran away – what bad luck!”

The farmer, who had gained some wisdom in his years, replied, “Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows?”

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Virgo New Moon: Collecting Scattered Parts

“I’m going to go collect my parts.”

My wife taught me this phrase. We tend to offer it up whenever we’re feeling like our emotional bits and pieces have been strewn about – when we’re scattered or flustered, and just need a moment to gather ourselves.

Just got an unexpected medical diagnosis? Roof leaking? Or maybe ten little things have been irritating you today?

Sounds to me like you might need to go collect your parts.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Leo New Moon: The Path With Heart

Rex had a good heart.

Physically, sure: Strong and young, he was on the high school track team and could run and run. Boundless energy, that kid.

But my nephew’s heart was more than just strong; it was good. Rex was compassionate and liked helping people.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Capricorn Full Moon: One Thousand Steps

Sometimes small steps lead to big ones.

For many people, life has been challenging – the pandemic, the climate crisis, war, and much more. As we each climb a personal mountain, the question for many is: How can peace be found amidst the chaos? Do beauty and discovery arrive in the slow process of the ascent… or are they achieved by suddenly reaching the summit?

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Cancer New Moon: Nourishment

I’d been meeting with 16-year-old Hannah* for a couple of months when she finally told me the reason she didn’t want to be adopted.
As an adoption recruiter** – Hannah and her three siblings had been in foster care for eight years – it wasn’t uncommon to hear kids say that they weren’t interested in adoption. Moving around so much, and being let down over and over… well, it’s heartbreaking, to say the least. And when you’re a young person, and you allow yourself to trust – and then that trust gets broken, again and again – it can be hard to see a path forward.
For teens in foster care, it's like the heart is a boomerang: tossed out there, just waiting for the day it returns.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Taurus Solar Eclipse: Discovery & Growth

Several years back, a friend of mine had the ridiculous and lovely idea to gather our pals, make individual pieces of crop art, and submit our creations to the Minnesota State Fair.

I’m guessing your first question here is, “Jen, what the heck is crop art??”

To quote Wikipedia, “Crop art is an environmental art practice using plants and seeds in the landscape to create statements, marks and/or images.”

If you knew me well, you probably wouldn’t think of me as someone with a yen for turning grain into craftwork…

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Jupiter Joins Neptune: The Big Dream

I touch the cool doorknob and turn the handle. The door opens and I pause on the outside stoop for a moment, then slowly step down the stairs – one, two, three. I look up and feel the sun warm my face. The soft spring breeze whispers, and the birds sound happy. I slowly, carefully place one foot in front of the other, down the little walkway. Arriving at the sidewalk, I turn and continue on. I pick up the pace, a little faster now. There is a pleasant, smooth sound to my thick-soled Hoka sneakers, squishy rubber against the hard pavement. Pat-pat-pat, steady I go, hearing each footfall.

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Jen Braun Jen Braun

Virgo Full Moon: Discerning What Matters

When I think of the analytical sign of Virgo, what often comes to mind is the word discernment. And I’m reminded of a story, told to me by two teen siblings I once knew. It's an appropriate tale for the Full Moon, taking place at 27 degrees Virgo on Friday, March 18, 2022 (2:17am CT).

In my work finding adoptive families for teens in foster care*, I worked with many sibling groups over the years, and heard many stories. But this one has really stuck with me.

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